$3,000 Styling Voucher

Maximise your sale result by presenting your property at its best

Preparing your property for showcasing is really where your campaign commences.

Roberto & Lisa work very closely with you to identify any areas in which improvements may impact the sale value of your home. In many cases, we do recommend to partially or fully style a home, to enhance the appeal. This may include adding some styling touches such as a rug on the floor, bedside lamps, sofa, chair or bedroom cushions, ornaments, artwork and so on. Othertimes, if the property is already vacant, we may recconmend to fully style it.

We do this because, by creating settings, we are able to tell a story. A story about the type of lfiestyle that buyers can expect to experience in that home. It allows them to see the potential, adaptability and functionality of the home before committing.

To assist you in funding the styling component of your campaign, we are gifting a $3,000 voucher redeemable against the cost of styling for your sale campaign. This will provide a substantial discount that could return significantly on the sale price.

*Terms and Conditions apply. Please refer below.

Terms & Conditions

The voucher will be provided once a Form 6 Agency Agreement has been entered into with Roberto Scartozzi or Lisa Psaras from LJ Hooker Property Hub.

The voucher value is $3,000, redeemable against the product and services provided to you (the property owner) by SaltyDaze Styling.

Partial styling refers to the provision of accessories such as floor rugs, bedding, manchester, furniture or bedding cushions, table and benchtop ornaments, vanity collections, artwork.

Full styling refers to the provision of a full furnishing package including all household furniture, floor rugs, and accessoring as mentioned above.

Any additional costs for styling over and above the $3,000 can be parked until settlement via our Property Credit program for a small fee.

This offer is valid until 31st May 2022.

To discuss this offer and your property in more detail, please contact Robero & Lisa on 0477 979 794 .